Tyl | 13 years ago | 3 comments | 2.3K views
I have recently bought Blufftitler
How do I get a text over the photo I have imported from Pinnacle?
I open blufftitler, Press “Add picture layer” and up comes my photo, so far so good
But when I write a new text, it shows up behind my photo and not on it
Sometimes I have succeeded in getting the text on and not behind the photo
When it randomly works I have let the text “Bluff Titler” be left in the square under the green figure
Then I add the picture layer. the picture turns up. I then delete the text “Bluff titler” in the square and if lucky I can write a new text whilch appears on the photo
BUT it doesn’t always work, mostly I fail
What’s the correct procedure to do it?
Tommy / Sweden
BluffTitler is a 3D application. Objects are automatically sorted by their distance to the camera.
If the text is behind the picture (it is further away from the camera) it is invisible.
What you have to do is to move the picture behind the text. You can do this with the POSITION property.
michiel, 13 years ago
Another option is to set the 2nd dropdown below the textbox of the picture layer to 3D IN BACKGROUND or FULLSCREEN.
michiel, 13 years ago
Much obliged
for a quick answer
Tyl, 13 years ago