NextPreviousHomecan not download Shows which are offered as "play show".

orlando | 13 years ago | 15 comments | 4.1K views

Hi Michiel,
since I changed IE into version 9 I'm not able to download
Shows which are offered as "play show". Shows marked with "Download Media files" and all Internet connections have no problems (i.e Youtube shows)
Do you know this problem and when, do you have any solution?
regards orlando
My OS is Vista.

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Vista en IE9 is no problem.

What is going wrong?

What is the error message?

michiel, 13 years ago

Hi Mchiel,
the failure occure is:

Could not download:

after this massage and "ok" BT screen shows:
Choose the menue item
to display the tool window.

No download of the show is possible.

another strange thing is:
I've tryed to reload BT and inserted the 3 codes (the codes for
the Pro version you gave me when Version 8.0 came up). Unfortunately, this code does not work anymore.
I hope, you have any solution and we can solve this problems.
It would me make very happy again.
regards orlando

orlando, 13 years ago

Remember that license keys are case sensitive.

And the help page of the gallery explains how to download shows from the gallery:

michiel, 13 years ago

Michiel I still have the same problem and the solution is not in the link you pointed out in your message, I am using Windows 7----IE 9

snafu, 13 years ago

Orlando, please let me know if you fix the problem I have the same for weeks, and not see the solution.
The possibilities pointed by Michiel in his link don't work unless for me.

snafu, 13 years ago

The "Could not download" message box is displayed by BluffTitler, right? This means that it has nothing to do with IE or Vista or any other browser or Windows version.

It means that your system does not allow BluffTitler to make an internet connection.

This can be fixed by clearing the cache, adjusting the settings of your firewall, anti-virus software, proxy server or other software that is controlling your internet connection. All is explained in detail in the help page of the gallery.

Please note that you do not have to play a gallery show to test BluffTitler's internet connection. Easier way is to create a picture layer, press F9 and enter a URL like:

michiel, 13 years ago

Michiel, there is no any message of Blufftitler : "Could not download", it just does what Orlando says: "
But Blufftitler itself does not give any message, just gets in a loop trying to get the download from that page, andf then :
Choose the menue item
to display the tool window.

and it gets in a loop again, a message is shown in the upper part, telling "Blufftitler is not responding"
I think there is something in your page that avoids loading the examples.

snafu, 13 years ago

When Blufftitler is "not responding" it is trying to connect to the internet.

This probably fails because your firewall, anti-virus software, proxy server or other software that is controlling your internet connection is preventing BluffTitler from connecting to the internet.

You have to instruct this software to allow BluffTitler to download files from the internet.

michiel, 13 years ago

There must be another reason.
I am able to download zip files of Blufftitler shows, and they work perfectly, the only ones that don't work are all those that start with an "S" like S922 or S734 (by example).
All those worked before (in Windows XP or IE 8 ?), and I downloaded them in the past, but now for some unknown reason, they don't work.
So in my point of view it doesn't have to do nothing with the firewall or antivirus, or other program installed before, since in the execution of those shows you don't have to connect to Internet (I think), since they are already saved to hard disk and directly executed from there and they don't work either.

In the other hand, my firewall and antivirus application, are already configured with BluffTitler as an exception, and so they should permit its execution.
The amazing thing is that the rest of Blufftitler shows work perfectly, even if they have been previously downloaded, and so the ones that run with Utube.
So the question is: why the only ones that don't run are the ones that start "S..." ?

snafu, 13 years ago

Hi Michiel, hi Snafru,
I have exact the same situationlike Snafru. It works perfectly
until a an unknown time.
Now I cleared up all caches, I shut off my fierwall, I do not use Proxy.
Everytime the same. My last test :I tryed to to connect the Hompage via BT directly (, the same game. Seeing in this light it could realy be somewhere in our system. But, as Snafru mentioned, all other internetadresses works fine.
regard orlando

orlando, 13 years ago

Hi BT Community,
does anybody else have the same problem?

regards orlando

orlando, 13 years ago

For some reason your system does not allow BluffTitler to download files from the internet.

Your anti-virus software, your firewall and also Windows itself update themselves automatically. This can explain why it "works perfectly until a an unknown time". For example I regulary have to instruct my McAfee Internet Security to allow BluffTitler to download files from the internet after an update.

>So the question is: why the only ones that don't run are the ones that start "S..." ?

Because BluffTitler has to download files from the internet to play them. The other shows are downloaded by your browser.

BluffTitler has its own internet cache. This explains why files downloaded at the time when your firewall still allowed BluffTitler to download files are no problem: they do not have to be downloaded again because they are already in the cache.

And of course, when you have downloaded all files to your harddisk (using FILE > SAVE SHOW + ALL MEDIA FILES), you don't need the internet at all to play them. You can unplug your network cable if you want.

michiel, 13 years ago

Hi Michiel, hi Snafru
The problem is solved!
It was, as Michiel discribed, a problem with Mc Afee.
BT-Program was blocked, maybe by an update.
I was stupid and could find it by myself, but it was so strange
because all other download was working fine and I'm not so familiar with Mc Afee. However, I hope Snafru, you'll solve the problem too. Thanks to Michiel, the greatest Computerexpert and programdeveloper.

orlando, 13 years ago

Thank you Orlando.
I don't have Mc Afee and are not going to buy it either.
Of course I know Michiel is right, but sometimes things don't work that easy as he says, specially if you don't have all his computing knowledge.
But I think as well, it woukdn't be a big effort (or technical difficulties) for Michiel, to convert those files in ZIP, so anyone could choose to download them in the regular way.
And in any case, I insist, If my system can download files from any other webpage but not from Outerspace page, some modifications should be done in the page. Telling is a system's user problem is not the best solution.
And saving the files to the harddisk as Michiel says don't work either.

snafu, 13 years ago

Fine with IE9 here on windows 7. Maybe try Google Chrome browser and try. If that doesn't work either then it is as Michael states above.

Good luck

Vanlen, 13 years ago

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