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orlando | 16 years ago | 6 comments | 7.3K views

I tryed to make the Water "realistic". Does anybode have an other Idea?
By the way it is not possible to export pictures from the show in JPG format at present. This would be fine because one can use this JPG directly to import here for presentation.
the other way is, to allow import in PNG format.

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Great idea to use the FRACTAL CLOUD plasma effect to create water!

Have you already taken a look at this water effect:

michiel, 16 years ago

You can create a screenshot in the JPG format by choosing the menu item FILE / EXPORT AS PICTURE...

You can select the JPEG format in the SAVE AS TYPE dropdown listbox in the file dialog.

michiel, 16 years ago

Hi Michiel
thanks for your "Water link" - fantastic, that's exact what I was looking for. Yes you can export in JPG. I forgott to uncheck the "Include Transparency Info" Box

orlando, 16 years ago

Yes, that is correct: the JPEG format does not support transparency so it is not listed when you save your picture with transparency info.

michiel, 16 years ago

Hi Michiel
can I imported files 3ds to 3d studio max in bluff titler?

alessandro2, 15 years ago

No. BT only accepts models in the .X format.

On the model layer page of the user guide you can find more info about the .x format:

michiel, 15 years ago

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