NextPreviousHomeCan you add a Vertical scroller?

SamSaam | 14 years ago | 9 comments | 1 like | 2.9K views

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Dear Michiel,
Bt has a strong Hscroller, can you add Vscroller with all of Hscroller options plus HEIGHT and ALIGN(LEFT | CENTER | RIGHT | JUSTIFY)?

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You can rotate the scroller with the ROTATION property. When you set this property to (0,0,90) the scroller scrolls from top to bottom.

michiel, 14 years ago

But with this option all the text will rotate, I dont want to rotate text,it is difficult for reading, I want some scrolling rss unicode text from top to bottom for example from 100,120 to 640,480 of screen with center align

SamSaam, 14 years ago

Can you point us to an online video (YouTube?) showing this effect?

michiel, 14 years ago



hScroller and Vscroller:

SamSaam, 14 years ago

Why don't you use a text layer and animate the TEXT POSITION property?

michiel, 14 years ago

because I don't know the size of text from rss and I want to show scrolling text only in a portion of screen.

SamSaam, 14 years ago

With the BOUNDS property you can make sure the text is never bigger than a portion of screen.

michiel, 14 years ago

Dear michiel with Bound when we have text with many chars, the size of font will become small, but in hscroller all the text without changing the size of font will scroll and i can put it in the position and size

SamSaam, 14 years ago

With the BOUNDS property you can make sure all text is displayed in a certain amount of time.

This is impossible with the scroller layer.

michiel, 14 years ago

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