SamSaam | 9 years ago | 4 comments | 2,014 views
Anybody know any effect that we can make animation with effects like these:
with parameters for distance between lines angles and colors and so on.
thank you
Great effect!
In the next version you will be able to do that with the standard displacement mapping effects:
michiel, 9 years ago
I want something like a blanket that a 3d object move under it and we can have animation, Can we do this with displacement mapping?
SamSaam, 9 years ago
Dear sir, Can we have a moving 3d object under blanket now?
SamSaam, 9 years ago
You can do this by applying the Displacementmap effect to a video layer.
This video can be made in BluffTitler by moving your model layer with the System\CameraViewDepthmap applied to the camera layer.
michiel, 9 years ago