Filip | 8 months ago | 5 comments | 241 views
As asked by Pioneer the show file added.
My questions:
1 What are the measurements for a good texture of a Horizontally revolved Traced Picture layer (no deformations)
2 How can I get the same reflective textures with PBR.cfx as with the Reflectionmap.cfx
The mug stays matte
1) Set the TEXT SIZE prop to (1, 3.14, 1).
2) The GLB format does not support what BluffTitler calls a reflection map. Apply the AdvancedMaterials\PBR effect, place a cube map in the 3rd texture slot and play around with the FX ROUGHNESS, METALNESS prop.
michiel, 8 months ago
Michiel does pbr support displacement and i yes is it possible to add it in BluffTitler ? i see that Sketchfab have this possibility in materials tab. Thanks in advance for informations.
vincent, 8 months ago
Vincent, I don't believe there's a PBR standard. It's more like an approach:
But there is a GLB standard. And version 2.0 says nothing about displacement maps:
michiel, 8 months ago
🤯😓🤨 Well Michiel, you gave me some reading for the afternoon, I don't know if I'm going to take the aspirin before or after. Thanks anyway.
vincent, 8 months ago
Thnx Michiel and ....Vincent although you lost me in the complexity. I hpe you read it and come with a simple solution I can understand😊! I'm more of the social sciences.
Filip, 8 months ago