Eric Sands | 11 months ago | 6 comments | 1 like | 330 views
songbaojin likes this!
I am trying to use the Star Wars based scroller show to scroll through all of the text I have included. I want the initial state to be no text visible and the final state to be the last row of text in the far distance. I have tried adding space characters in the text before the initial text to start it later, but that seems too stop the scrolling prematurely at the end. I've have tried adding spaces in the text at the end of the scroll but then that forces the beginning to start halfway in the middle of the screen. I've also tried different combinations of lengthening the duration of the show, by adding space before or after or stretching. Any clues on how to accomplish this?
The middle slider on the text appears to be the only one moving.
It starts on: 1111
And ends on: 2000
Change the end to: 4000
If adding twice as much text.
Make adjustments, higher or lower for your length of text.
But doing that, the 4000, will give you an idea. Good luck.
Decentralized, 11 months ago
Okay I will try that. Is this any different than simply adding more time to the duration of the show?
Eric Sands, 11 months ago
It's completely different. Your text will move faster depending how much more text you added. If it goes too fast, you'll need to add time in stretch time.
Decentralized, 11 months ago
The Star Wars scroller was one of the inspirations for this app. Here's one of the very first posts to this community:
michiel, 11 months ago
Interesting history and variations on this scroller! I included a starfield in my project by rendering the scroller with an alpha channel and including a separate star field on my timeline.
Eric Sands, 11 months ago