NextPreviousHomeGold Font Show from 2008

Eric Sands | a year ago | 9 comments | 1 like | 601 views

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In 2008, I was using this Bluff show with beautiful gold extruded font that flew in and out of the transparency layer, as below. Does this show still exist in a newer and improved version in the current app? Or should I just use the same show as 2008 and set the resolution higher? The original show has been doing some strange things... it seems to become constrained into a smaller invisible frame when I try to import into Adobe Premiere with an alpha channel and after changing font sizes or position in the show...

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Here's how I would redesign this show with the latest techniques. It has been added to the ZIP: click on the DOWNLOAD MEDIA FILES button to download it.

Maybe it helps your project. When you have any question, please ask!

The font can be found here:

michiel, a year ago

Thank you. Yes I believe this is working better inside premiere. I deleted the white background as I'm overlaying this with a transparency. Can you tell me how to remove the heavy Glow Shadow around the text? Under directional light, I tried reducing the Shadow intensity but doesn't affect anything. Thanks again.

Eric Sands, a year ago

One more question... is there a way to make the reflection on the gold smoother? This new version of the show has a great reflection which is adjustable, but the reflection on the gold itself seems to contain objects and is not smooth like the old show.
Thank you!

Eric Sands, a year ago

The shadow can be removed by setting the SHADOW INTENSITY property of the light layer to 0.

The glow can be removed by setting the GLOW INTENSITY property of the camera layer to 0. Or by unmarking the GLOW checkbox in the LAYER > ACTIVE LAYER PROPERTIES... dialog of the text layer.

The reflected image is stored in the texture that comes with the installer. Select the text layer and choose MEDIA > CHANGE TEXTURE... to select another texture.

Bixorama can be used to convert all kinds of 360° photos to the DDS format:

michiel, a year ago

I did find and select the new texture. However it seems there's only one to choose from. It looks more like a yellow color than a reflective gold. Am I missing other textures or is there only one selection to work with?

Eric Sands, a year ago

The textures that come with the installer are by no means the only ones that can be used in the BluffTitler app. Trillions of textures can be found on the internet. New ones can be generated with texture creator tools and also be taken with your camera.

When the the texture isn't yellow enough, you can adjust it in a paint app or with the COLOUR property inside BluffTitler.

michiel, a year ago

DDS cube maps give you perfect reflections, but take some time to produce and indeed can show unwanted detail because they are so perfect.

Reflection maps are easier to create. Also ordinary photos can be used as reflection maps:

To use a ordinary photo as a reflection map:
1) Select the text layer
4) Select the Reflectionmap effect
5) Select an ordinary photo in the 1st texture slot

You will be surprised how well an ordinary photo looks like abused as a reflection map!

michiel, a year ago

Okay, I think I understand. Sounds like a lot of this is just designing to the look you want. Are you able to tell by the original show that I posted above from 2008 which reflection map was used for that? Would there be a way to extract the reflection map used and apply it to this new version of the show?

Eric Sands, a year ago

To find out which texture file the active layer uses:
1) select the layer with the big dropdown above the PLAY button
2) choose the menu item MEDIA > CHANGE TEXTURE...

Alternatively you can choose EDIT > CHANGE ALL TEXTURES... This lists all textures used by all layers, which can be quicker for simple shows.

michiel, a year ago

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