vincent | a year ago | 3 comments | 1 like | 317 views
songbaojin likes this!
Actually in hand layer the finger are cylindrics, is possible to have parallelepiped or round bevel shape too for fingers and palm to have a more robotic style ? thank you.
Now that the model layer supports animated, rigged and skinned models in the GLB format, the hand layer has become less relevant.
I did a quick search, but failed to find a useful robotic hand. This realistic one looks nice, but is not rigged. Can you find a better one?
michiel, a year ago
Robot hands look nice!
We were hoping wired gloves would become very popular. Those devices could be used to add a very cool intuitive interface to the hand layer. And to BluffTitler itself! This however did not happen.
What did happen was an explosion of available 3D models, thanks to the popularity of the GLB format! So yes, I advise to use the model layer instead.
michiel, a year ago