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lifechip | 2 years ago | 4 comments | 538 views

Hi, having just downloaded v16 and then upgraded to v16.01, I am wondering where the library of models are. When I select Layers>model Layer, I just get a page with a few models on it , not like the library in the intro video. Do I have to download these extra ones, thanks

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I feel that the Version 16 intro video was somewhat misleading. I too looked for these templates. Verson 16 has the capabilities to work with GLB files which is fantastic, but none were supplied with the V16 install.
Look in the recent forum posts and you'll find some download sites.

lightads, 2 years ago

Links to the stock material used in the promo, including the 3D models, can be found in the YouTube description:

I want to stress that you are in no way limited to the models used in the promo. BluffTitler would have been a very silly app if that was true.

Sketchfab is a good place to find animated GLB models:

michiel, 2 years ago

....and mixamo ( is a great place to animate T-pose models.
With a little work around they cn be saved as .GLB files.

Filip, 2 years ago

As a matter of interest what does everyone recommend as a way to convert to .glb? I have used Blender which does work, 3D Builder, 3D viewer - Daz Studio not great at importing, any others?

JohnatSkillsloft, 2 years ago

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