Rorysee | 2 years ago | 4 comments | 455 views
Is there a way to hold on an animation GBL sequence, for example at the end of a sequence? And also how to link animation GBL sequences together other than each sequence has its own camera which is the same as rendering sequences out and then compositing the sequences out in a final render.
Any ideas?
When you set the 1st slider of the ANIMATION SPEED property to 0, you can set the animation position (0 means start and 1 means end) with the 2nd slider. This gives you full control: changing the speed, pausing, playing backwards,...
Some models feature multiple animation sequences. You can switch between them with the ANIMATION property. Animations of well-designed models not only all loop seamlessly, but also all look the same at position 0. And because they loop, also at position 1. This means you can seamlessly switch to another animation sequence when the ANIMATION SPEED prop is set to (0,0) or (0,1).
Place keyframes immediately after each other to prevent interpolation. Like for example at 00:01.000 and 00:01.001
michiel, 2 years ago
Thanks Michiel. ok I see. just added added some new motion on an exsisting gbl motion and set a freeze frame
Rorysee, 2 years ago
Additionally, with poorly designed animation, Blender can be used to edit out the problematic frames, which usually are at the beginning, such as a T-pose.
Lightsmith, 2 years ago
Thanks Lightsmith. Yep, you sometimes pop out in a holding position on a T-pose which is problematic. much appreciated info.
Rorysee, 2 years ago