NextPreviousHomelandscape creating in BluffTitler

Filip | 2 years ago | 1 comment | 452 views

I asked Michiel if we could have a king of Landscape creator in BluffTitler:

My first try-out is to download:
Extra questions:
1. Can I create a free space for housing and streets or a dusty road. In this example the trees could grow in the houses and through the road?
2. Can I add a new Particle layer with different trees that doesn''t collide with the other trees?

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With the LAUNCH COLOUR property of the particle layer you can emit particles only from a specific colour. This technique can be used to make the trees only appear on the green parts:

The MIN DISTANCE property of the particle layer sets the minimum distance between the particles. This prevents collisions:

Try to use HDR displacement maps. This prevents the terracing effect:

michiel, 2 years ago

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