shoji M | 2 years ago | 3 comments | 500 views
Hi, is there a problem with the bevel property?
I've taken a look at your EPS file and noticed that it uses unnecessary points and curves. For a square and a straight line, 7 points is enough. Your EPS uses 15. I've used Bixelangelo to simplify your shape. The number of points can be seen in the title bar.
Also, your shape is better rendered with the sketch layer. In this screenshot I've used the SQUARE and CIRCLE styles with a big value for the PEN SIZE prop.
michiel, 2 years ago
@Michiel,I knew sketches were more perfect, but I wanted lots and lots of repetitive shapes, so I chose EPS. What do I do with a sketch? Thanks for your help.
shoji M, 2 years ago
Use the Special\WireframePlus effect.
It can be applied to any layer type. In this screenshot is has been applied to a model layer.
michiel, 2 years ago