Filip | 2 years ago | 9 comments | 4 likes | 695 views
Alex-Raymond T., Thor5ten, Decentralized and 1 other like this!
I made different colorscheme's as a texture for the RainbowText.cfx.
But I wanted a more neutral colorscheme and I found this website with all kinds of different colorscheme's maybe you can use it to create your own textures.
Oké, thnx Michiel. This tip is not so special...I get it!
Filip, 2 years ago
Good afternoon to all, How does one create a cfx style please. I can follow the drift of this topic but I cannot how to see to create a cfx file from a image downloaded. Or does one just have to change the texture? Cheers John
Pioneer, 2 years ago
Pioneer: When you use a Text layer (1) and want to color all the letters with a different color you have to add the RainbowText.cfx effect (2 and 3). And you have to use a texture (4) in the first box. And set the property FX Colours in texture to 6 (5).
This topic was about how to get this kind of texture from the internet.
Filip, 2 years ago