sven | 3 years ago | 7 comments | 568 views
I would be interested to know how You export your shows. Compressed or uncompressed, mp4, Avi etc. Compress externally through another program or internally in Blufftitler. If internally which codec you use. Which method is used to achieve the best result?
Depends on the use, mostly MP4. Sometimes uncompressed avi for use in Pinnacle studio.
Filip, 3 years ago
I do final compositing in Sony Vegas and use I Bluff for a lot of elements some of which contain an alpha channel which I use a lot of. To get the best quality before using Vegas I export uncompressed to AVI.
lightads, 3 years ago
That depends on what you mean with "best result".
If you want the best image quality, use uncompressed.
If you want the smallest file size, use WebM.
If compatibility is important, use MP4.
If your client believes MOV is a good format, use MOV.
michiel, 3 years ago
Unfortunately, I can't export MP4 and uncompressed Avi is extremely large as such difficult to send to client online.
Any advice?
napoleon, 3 years ago
I use the AVI Encoder together with the free UtVideo codec suite, which does lossless encoding/packing.
If you use the "UtVideo T2 RGBA DMO" variant in the DirectShow encoder settings screen on export, you will get working Alpha support, too.
In most video editors this allows you to directly import the video getting working alpha blending, without having to create a mask first.
If you need to send the video to a client, I would recommend using Handbrake to re-encode afterwards, however in most cases you will probably lose the Alpha channel.
scamp, 3 years ago
For those who have the UtVideo codec suite not installed, the WebM and MOV formats also support an alpha channel. Not lossless, but much smaller than uncompressed.
michiel, 3 years ago