maitegras | 14 years ago | 3 comments | 3.0K views
Greetings to everyone.
a question:
I want to record several projects into one.
for example
I have done several shows, I know there is a way to play one followed by another, but I do not remember how it is.
Now, beyond that, I would like that when I go to record, to be recorded one after the other chain. Is this possible?
hope I explained well
I could record several projects one by one, and then unite them in my video editor.
but this would be a lot of work.
this question is because each project has many layers and is much work to do in modifcaciones.
this way, I could make changes to different projects and then to join all
Maybe the playlist is what you are looking for.
Choose SETTINGS > PLAYLIST WINDOW to open the playlist window. Right click in the window to add shows. When you choose FILE > EXPORT AS MOVIE... all shows in the playlist are exported as a single video file.
michiel, 14 years ago
many thanks Michiel
proved this for a project I'm doing
maitegras, 14 years ago
Within a project, if you have a picture that you want to simply disappear within 10 seconds, and then have another picture begin, is there an easy way to do that? I have a video background, and want one picture shown, then another one shown after the first one disappears....thanks!
dgk, 14 years ago