maitegras | 14 years ago | 13 comments | 3.0K views
Michiel greeting
I am here to make a proposal
BluffTitler is an incredible business tool, but ......
I have noticed that something is missing to be the best
I would like the timeline, it could stretch to be more exact time to put the keys. because the keys are not dragging leaves me where I want.
I could easily fix this by putting the numbers of (key-time) manually, but it is a long time to do this with so many keys.
I also know that we have the tool to displace the arrow keys, but many times I have to clik the mouse to move the key to your site, because it moves the keys milliseconds. Ideally, the keys move tenths of a second to move faster and there was another arrow to move by hundredths of a second.
I hope your answer
Yeeeesssss!! A zoom function on timeline would be great to manage keys for long shows or shows with lot of layers and keys.
vincent, 14 years ago
And Yes. I wish always such a feature. This would be great enhancement to the funniest software i have.
asterix, 14 years ago
maitegras, when holding down the <Shift> key, the key is moved 0.1 second instead of a millisecond.
michiel, 14 years ago
Please -- this would be such a great addition! Offhand, I can't think of anything I would rather have.
Dick, 14 years ago
thanks Michiel
I did not know that option
but nonetheless, it would be good to expand a little more this feature
maitegras, 14 years ago
Maybe you could open the way BT stores the *bt files. I realized that the keys are "somehow" coded in the show file. If I am right, every key is followed by the argument that is changed in a key (shown in ConText editor),
To blow up the timeline would help a lot editing. I often accidently deleted a "maybe" unwanted key. So, I would be willing pay for an expanding timeline showing all the keys that are changing during a show.
henryklein, 14 years ago
A zoom and pan feature within the time line would be a valuable asset! At least zoomed in tight enough to the point you could see the seperation between two key markers that are side by side. Not a programmer, so not sure how much that's asking for, but it would be very useful.
BillyJack, 14 years ago
While we're throughing out ideas. It would be nice to have each Layer with it's own track instead of the dropdown menu. That way you could see the key changes in each layer indivdually instead of hopping back and forth to see the where the markers lie when adapting a new layer. Something simular to AfterEffects would be great in that respect. With that, you could add a "Parent" button to attach layers as well.
Just food for thought!
BillyJack, 14 years ago
the option (father) becomes the same as the container layer
We can create as many layers as desired container, and put into anything we want, so you can move all together in the container layer.
also would be nice if the window despeglabe change, but .....
Michiel after he introduced us the option to select your object, just clik on the work window, you win with this much longer.
I can also ensure that BluffTitler can make things as interesting as they affter effect. just have to have imagination and dedication.
clearly this may not be up to affter effect as two programs with different functions.
although I keep saying that. BluffTitler costs as compared to affter effect with wins by far.
a great work that has made these last months Michiel
maitegras, 14 years ago
I hope it didn't come across like I was making a comparison. I was just using the example. I own Adobe's Master Suite and still use BluffTitler 9 out of 10 times over AfterEffects for it's features, speed and simplicity.
BillyJack, 14 years ago
is correct what you say.
you and I agree on many things.
I certainly explain to me wrong in my previous post.
This may be due to, google translator, which is what I use
maitegras, 14 years ago
A timeline for each layer would certainly work for me. A button to expand and contract each layer on the timeline would also solve any screen real estate issues.
Being able to see what does what where and when with ALL the keys visible would not only save a lot of time, but help eliminate guessing errors.
DigitalMagic, 14 years ago