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henryklein | 14 years ago | 8 comments | 2.3K views

Hey folks, I am just coding my first live show taking place in two weeks. Easy going at all, just atype of presentation. And I could amaze my client a lot using BT. SO thanks for the great piece of software.

However: I would like get some interaction like you do in your gallery bluffs. So my question:

How does the mouse over work?

TIA for supporting


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Choose LAYER > ACTIVE LAYER PROPERTIES... to add a link to a layer.

michiel, 14 years ago

THAT is cool. So I can prepare the show for the light operator (I am a musician on stage as well) and let him fire the moves.

thanks a lot for your support.


henryklein, 14 years ago

I am making a web commercial for a client and I want the customer to be able to have a clickable link to the clients webpage, how would I go about doing that. I went to active layer properties and made the layer clickable to the clients website, which I was able to go to the website in Bluff but when I export it as a movie. It won't let me select the link. Thanks

Vision2, 14 years ago

Hyperlinks only work when playing the show in realtime.

michiel, 14 years ago

Soooooo... this means if I add a link while developing the show and play it within BT everything works fine, but once I render it out to a movie it will no longer work?

DigitalMagic, 14 years ago


michiel, 14 years ago

Okay. That certainly seems rather pointless not to mention useless. If links aren't going to work once the final output is rendered, what's the point of even having the ability to put them in?

Is there any way to ensure that links DO work once the final show is rendered?

DigitalMagic, 14 years ago

It is meant for realtime applications where BT is used as the player.

The only video format I know of that supports interactivity is MPEG4, but so far nobody seems to be using this feature.

I think what you are looking for is a Flash application (not a Flash video). I advise you to find a Flash developer to create the interactive webpage for you.

michiel, 14 years ago

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