NextPreviousHomeNeed help with a sketch layer

MrGruntHunter | 3 years ago | 15 comments | 936 views

It's been a while since I've done this so my old brain is struggling again. I traced a path over a background map image in Bixangelo. I then imported the background image into a new BT show, Added a sketch layer and imported the traced EPS file into BT and adjuster the Writer tool so I get a moving line over my traveling path on my map image. Now I'm trying to attach my bus image to that line so it travels down the road with it. I can't seem to get the bus to move with the line. What am I missing in my process. I select the EPS layer then add a Picture Layer and say yes when I get asked if I want it attached to the EPS layer. This should be very simple I know but There's something I'm not doing correctly and I can't remember what it is. Can anyone help me solve my problem?

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MrGruntHunter, sadly I cannot help, but I am sure somebody will be along to help out. I too must have a brain that is aging as I tried to use an EPS layer to animate using the writer function on some text after creating the handwritten text in Bixelangalo. I thought Blufftitler had failed on me. It was only by watching a show on handwritten text I realised that I should of been using a Sketch layer. Lets hope your problem is as easily sorted as mine was. Cheers John

Pioneer, 3 years ago

Mike, try to change this property of the sketch, set to ATTACHED LAYERS FOLLOW SKETCH then maybe you'll need to adjust a little rotation/position of the attached pic (Motorhome)

vincent, 3 years ago

Hello Mike. Vincent shoots faster than his shadow!
You can also proceed like this:
-1 ° Set up your sketch layer and activate it.
-2 ° Add an image layer of your bus, in the window "Do you want to attach the new layer to the active sketch layer", click on "YES"
-3 ° Make a "Typewriter" reading on the sketch layer
-4 ° Adjust as desired.

Alex-Raymond T., 3 years ago

1) Carica immagine di sfondo
2) Carica tracciato eps
3) Carica bus e rispondi si alla domanda "se vuoi attaccare il bus al tracciato"
4) Usa scrittura per muovere il bus.
Dovrebbe andare.

nonnogio, 3 years ago

Hello Alex. Vincent and nonnogio, What you are suggesting is exactly what I have done but my bus images doesn't seem to be attaching to my EPS layer to follow my line. I even pulled up one of my old files, that works fine, to see if there were any settings that were different but they all are the same. Looks like I'll just have to go back into Bixelangelo and create a new EPS file. The only thing that I know I did different was that I traced my map 'down' from the end point to the starting point only because it was easier that way. I have to use my mouse to trace my route and that's not easy for me. I wish I had an easier way to do that.
The attached is a screen shot from my previous animated map I created that is working fine. I just haven't been able to discover what the difference is.

MrGruntHunter, 3 years ago

Here's how to do it:
2) choose LAYER > ADD LAYER > ADD PICTURE LAYER... and answer YES in the dialog that asks you if you would like to attach the picture to the sketch
3) animate the WRITER property of the sketch layer

michiel, 3 years ago

Thanks everyone for the replies. Yes Michiel that is how I created the file and it wouldn't work for me.

BUT, here's an update, I went back and recreated the EPS file but this time I traced my route from my starting point to the end point instead of backwards as I did previously. It appears that makes a difference as everything is working fine again. That is the only change I made. I'll have to remember that in the future

MrGruntHunter, 3 years ago

Hello Mike, i don't know where your problem come from but here is small tuto of how i proceed to realize this kind of animation

vincent, 3 years ago

Vincent, I pretty much use the same process. Sure would be nice though if we could zoom in on the background image in Bixelangelo to make it easier to follow the path we want to create. ;-) I noticed you didn't have any boxes checked when you saved your EPS file. For some unknown reason I thought I needed to have these boxes checked. I also noticed you were able to create your path and attach your png file to the end and make it go backwards. I am totally confused as to why mine wouldn't attach itself to the EPS layer and move with the Writer tool. After I recreated my EPS file by drawing me route in the other direction my bus image attached to it fine and all was well. I'm using these little animated travel maps for my trip slide shows that I'm posting on my YouTube Channel. I now have 2 completed with 4 more to go for our 2020 Fall trip. :-) I don't know why but it's working now.

BTW; are you just using a mouse to trace you route or a pen based tablet or a pen type of mouse?

Thanks again for everyone's help in keeping this old senior citizen's brain from popping a fuse LOL.

MrGruntHunter, 3 years ago

Yes zoom is a problem, i hope michiel will fix it. About your problem, you must uncheck 'SOLID' checkbox to save as a sketch in Bixelangelo, if not it will be a solid shape (eps vector) and it'll be impossible to attach a pic (or other layer) to it.

vincent, 3 years ago

Was having a difficult time trying to upload my file and just realised it was in a png format so I changed it to a jpg so now you can see it. I've had ROLL and HANDWRITTEN TEXT boxes checked.
So are you using a mouse or pen type mouse to trace in Bixelangelo ?

MrGruntHunter, 3 years ago

Mike, i trace with hand, one day a friend lent me a Wacom tablette with pen to draw but is no very easy, there are a lot of settings, i think it's a habit...About the sketch, i believe that ROLL is used for rollercoaster sketchs to store sharp turns infos, i don't know HANWRITTEN usage and did not found explanations in online help.
Personally i use only SOLID checkbox, checked for Vectors (full shapes) and unchecked for Sketchs.
You can see difference in this video

vincent, 3 years ago

Vincent, Your video shows up as 'private' and won't play. Maybe you'll need to email me the link to it.

MrGruntHunter, 3 years ago

Sorry Mike, now you can play the video.

vincent, 3 years ago

Got it! Interesting. I'll have to learn to play with this a little more. You sure draw a LOT better than I do, LOL Thanks for the help Master Vincent :-)

MrGruntHunter, 3 years ago

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