linea_abierta | 3 years ago | 5 comments | 601 views
Greetings to all, I continue this with the frames, I have downloaded frames for transmissions, frames that are used in webcams, they are png files, others in mov, but how to create masks with luminance, I need to export their masks so that it can cut and overlap the png, the content of the png or the mov becomes totally white and the background totally black, there will be an effect for this, thanks
linea_abierta, 3 years ago
I don't understand the problem. Maybe you can send the show or a picture?
Filip, 3 years ago
I do not understand the question either. What are "masks with luminance"? And what are "frames for transmissions"?
Maybe marking the INCLUDE ALPHA CHANNEL checkbox in the FILE > EXPORT AS VIDEO... dialog is what you are looking for.
michiel, 3 years ago
Excuse me, I think the translated English from google is not well understood, now I want to make with bt the elements that in the world of videogamers I think they call it facecam, it is that their webcams make animated frames of different styles they use them with obs, but I'm testing them with vmix, a program similar to obs, to achieve that effect I must have a luminance mask, to cut the webcam image according to the mask and then superimpose the animated frame, my question was how to create that mask from a frame, but I already found it, I don't know if it will be the perfect effect, but it does the job, is the silhouette, or will there be another method?
linea_abierta, 3 years ago
When you say "silhouette" I think you mean the alpha channel. To render the alpha channel:
-select the camera layer
-choose MEDIA > CHANGE EFFECT... and select the System\ViewAlphaChannel effect
The effects in the System folder are only meant for beta testing, that's why they do not have thumbnails, but I think this is what you are looking for.
michiel, 3 years ago