NextPreviousHomeChange property for Text in "All layers", but ONLY within the same container

kingkick | 4 years ago | 3 comments | 612 views

Hi everyone!


If I want to change a Text-property and use the "All layers" checkbox, all Text-layers in my show are changed (even the invisible layers), but this is not what I want. I am trying to find a way to only change a Text-propery for some Text-layers, NOT all.

My Question

Can I change a Text-property for "All layers", but...

1) ...only for the Text-layers within the same container.

2) ...alternatively that the Text property only is changed for all Text-layers that are currently visible in the project (checking/unchecking the "visble" checkbox).

Hopefully it is possible, BUT otherwise it can be a great improvement of BT to implement BOTH alternatives above. It gives a great deal of flexibility.

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Only adjusting the visible layers is a good suggestion. We'll implement that in the next release. Thank you!

michiel, 4 years ago

Great! Glad that I can be of help!

Looking forward to it!

Happy Holidays!

kingkick, 4 years ago

Hi Michiel!

I tested it and it works like a charm!! It behaves as it should! Thank you!

It works also perfect when you have Text-layers in different containers and only check/uncheck the "Visible"-checkbox on the containers!

A real Time-Saver!

kingkick, 4 years ago

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