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kingkick | 4 years ago | 7 comments | 837 views

I am trying to get SMOOTH control over text-properties for a show with dynamic content (looping).

The Golden Nugget! What I wish for Christmas...

If this would be possible, we could suddenly use the Audio layer (Volume of a sound) to control properties (for real). AND if it also would be possible to make every VJ effect listen to a specific Audio Layer only, than we suddenly have unlimited ways to automate "everything" with only some audio-files!! Blufftitler would become a BEAST, but not more difficuilt to use.

I am using the VJ Effect - Audio property, trying to control the Text-Position, BUT the result is choppy... I need a smooth result, just as I am getting when using the VJ Effect - Oscillator property!

Michiel, would it be possible to Smooth-react to the Audio-Layer? And to add an EXTRA dropdown to every VJ effect, for selecting which Audio-Layer it should "listen" to. Than I could bounce my stems (drums/voice/etc...) separately and can have perfect control over my show in combination with many audio files.

I would love this. I could create perfect music-shows! And I don't have to copy/paste my shows anymore just to get some variation for every loop of my dynamic content.

Any ideas/thoughts?

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Result is a little better filtering with bandpass from 2947 Hz to 5735 Hz

vincent, 4 years ago

Hi Vincent,
I have tested with .wav files the whole time (but it was to large for the upload (max 500kB), therefore i converted it to mp3 for everyone to be able to test) and the result was (maybe) marginally better. I also tested adjusting the frequency-range parameters as you suggest, but it never becomes smooth and its very "uncontrollable". I am aware of the harmonics/etc. and I really have tried with the cleanest "sounds" possible. I even tried with a single "sound"-wave that lasts 16 seconds, but no luck, ALTHOUGH BT could detect it, but still not smooth...

But hopefully BT can (in near future?) "interpolate" (or something like it, I don't know the exact term) the signal and smooth out its response to the audio. Maybe some kind of "Smooth-out" property on every VJ effect? It could also be that BT is configured to NOT to be as precise when using VJeffect-Audio, but it is very precise when using VJeffect-Oscillator.


If it is not possible in any way, than I propose that in a future BT we could "draw"/import automation lines (like I do in FL-Studio) and use these to exactly controll every automation. PS this is NOT the same as the VJeffect-Oscillator, which resets itself every loop (when having dynamic content/looping) and NOT the same as Sketch-Layer.

Sorry for the long explanation, but it is "advanced". Hopefully you still get my point. "I can see a BRIGHT Future for BT"! If this could be possible.

Thanx for your input Vincent! Merry Christmas!

kingkick, 4 years ago

kingkick, i hope michiel will have a better response for you. A Merry Christmas too!

Just another thing : you signal is about 2090 Hz, maybe you could try with a lower frequency and higher volume (your if very low) for example a modulated 400 hz.

vincent, 4 years ago

I can hardly hear anything. Turning up the volume of you audio sample is the first thing I would try. Make maximum use of the bit depth of your sample. It now shows up as a flat line in Vegas (top track). Compare that with the normalized sample in the bottom track.

And please try to post real projects instead of tech demos. We would all love to see your unlimited ways beasty music-shows!

michiel, 4 years ago

OK, I get it!

But I will keep on trying... I will keep you updated when I succeed! I post a show when I think it is ready. At this moment I am experimenting a lot.

Michiel, could you pleas answer 1 question?
"Would it be possible to add an EXTRA dropdown to every VJ effect, for selecting which Audio-Layer it should listen to?" (see the attached picture)?

kingkick, 4 years ago

The idea is to filter on frequency. For example when you choose low frequencies, you can make your layer focus on the bass and ignore the high voices. Another layer can filter out the bass by only listening to the high frequencies. This way you do not need separate audio tracks.

michiel, 4 years ago

Hi Michiel, I understand the idea with filtering on frequency, but this does not give me the detail of control I am after. And the problem is that frequencies are "fighting" with eachother. I want for example that Text-Rotation only reacts on a 60Hz signal (with its own series of volume-changes). Whereas my Text-Position only should react on another 60Hz signal (But with another series of volume-changes).

But to keep it simple, my question still is: "Would it be possible to add an EXTRA dropdown to every VJ effect, for selecting which Audio-Layer it should listen to?" (see the attached picture)?

PS I Really hope you can answer my question above. And maybe this feature could be implemented in some future release of BT.

BTW Thank you for an already fantastic product! Merry Christmas!

kingkick, 4 years ago

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