NextPreviousHomevideo clip with mask in BT

Rorysee | 4 years ago | 3 comments | 834 views

I need to have a video clip with a mask applied then have the page roll fx applied to the video clip.

is this possible? I can use a colormap layer for a image layer composite but then the page roll fx cannot be applied.

i can pre render the clips with an alpha channel for the layer but is there a way to do this in BT from scratch

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It's difficult, but it's possible:

Render the video in a colourmap layer using the AdvancedMaterials\Alphamap effect. Place the video in the 1st texture slot and the mask in the 2nd. Set the TRANSPARENCY prop of the colourmap layer to 1. To fight the jaggies increase the RESOLUTION prop.

Then render the texture generated by the colourmap layer with a picture layer and apply the Picture\Plane2Roll effect.

michiel, 4 years ago

Thanks michiel. will have a go at this

Rorysee, 4 years ago

ok that works michel ..just need to get the sizes mapped. so it would be better to pre render the clips with an alpha channel. Bluff page roll excellent in 3d space

Rorysee, 4 years ago

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