steveg | 4 years ago | 5 comments | 1.8K views
I have BluffTitler Ultimate and I'm trying to work out how to export the following to video with a transparency.
The only layers are the default Camera and Point Light, plus a Picture layer with a world texture set to Sphere/3D in 3D Space/Single Sided.
Is there a way I can export it with a transparent background instead of black? I can't see any option for this.
= Steve
GaspareNet, 4 years ago
Hi Franco,
I don't see a "transparency" option for AVI (compressed or uncompressed). I did try "Include Alpha Channel" but it didn't make any difference.
I must be doing something wrong.
steveg, 4 years ago
Yes, the INCLUDE ALPHA CHANNEL checkbox in the FILE > Export as video... dialog must be marked. Alpha channel is another word for transparency.
To test the generated video, import it back into BluffTitler by choose MEDIA > Add layer > Add video layer... and place something in the background, like a plasma layer.
If this is OK, the problem is your video editor. Here are tips for Vegas:
michiel, 4 years ago
Software developer and 2D animator.
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