NextPreviousHomeNeed a Superman Titles help from Komies !!!!

Mauro | 4 years ago | 18 comments | 1.3K views

Hello Komies, 5 years ago you posted a file of the Superman 1978 movie Ending Titles. I would like to include the "Dolb Stereo" logo that appears at the end but I don´t know how to reproduce the extrude effect on the logo in the same way that it appears in the letters. Would you help me please?
many many thanks

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These instructions are based on "if the Dolby Logo scrolls" then animate this first. By setting position to a point off screen bottom to off screen top these keys are 30 seconds apart. (If not then there is no second key)

Set in Styles the Logo to Flat

Then you Clone the Layer and set this cloned layer with Styles to Solid.

To extrude the logo set Size The 3rd Slider to 100 and set position to 707 on key(s).

Press F9 and change Effect to: Effects\AdvancedMaterials\ColourmapReflectionmapAdditive.cfx
and for Textures select for 1st slot: Textures\VerticalLines3.png
And for the second slot: ReflectionMap_Silver.jpg

Set properties: Mark the All Keys to change both keys at once per property.

Set Colour to 2nd slider: 333 and third: 888
Set Transparency to: 0.35
Set Lighting Factor to: 1
Set FX Reflection Factor to: 0.5

For the next property setting don't use the Mark on All Keys because this needs to be animated.

Set on the Second Key: FX Reflection Rotation first slider to 180

Save the Show.
And now you can Tweak the settings to you're lickings.

Good Luck and have Fun while doing it.

komies, 4 years ago

Hi Komies, thank you very much for your help and reply. I am new to the software.I tried to follow in your footsteps, but I didn't get the results. I am showing the screens. Could you please tell me what I am doing wrong? The Dolb Stereo logo is a gif file.

Mauro, 4 years ago


Mauro, 4 years ago


Mauro, 4 years ago


Mauro, 4 years ago


Mauro, 4 years ago


Mauro, 4 years ago


Mauro, 4 years ago


Mauro, 4 years ago


Mauro, 4 years ago


Mauro, 4 years ago


Mauro, 4 years ago

Very nice steps, I hope that you learned something along the way.

Yes, I leaved out that the image should be a image best in .png format with a transparent background and it should be added to as Traced Picture Layer.

This will turn your Bitmap formatted .Png Logo into a Vector formatted Eps Logo. The higher quality image in resolution and with clean edges the nicer the conversion by the Built-In Tracer.

A higher resolution image produces also a bigger Eps so you also may want to play with the Font Size Property of this Eps Layer.

Again good luck and have fun.

komies, 4 years ago

Hello, first of all thanks for your guidance, I have learned a lot. I tried several different .png files and they all give the same result. As an example, follow the screen where I used the Blufftitler logo. Do you have any other suggestions? Would I be able to use an .eps file?

Mauro, 4 years ago

page 2

Mauro, 4 years ago

Yes, I see that you replaced one picture with another, (The Logo for Vertical Lines3)

You should use the Traced Picture layer, open the PNG Logo.
This will make a Eps of that Picture.
Then you can change the texture so the logo will remain as eps.

Here is a version you can download: It's made Fast and Dirty and remember that a Trademark is Copyrighted.

komies, 4 years ago

Hi Komies, thank you very much, now it worked !!!!! You are the best!! I don't want to take advantage of your willingness but in your end credits file could you please tell me how to keep the text aligned in two columns? I tried to replace the text in your file and I'm not able to keep the same space between the two text columns
Once again, many thanks for all your support!

Mauro, 4 years ago

I did the text in notepad with tab spacing, the text file middle is in the downloadable show.

Copied that into the Textbox of BluffTitler and used Fixed Space as Style (The first dropdown menu)

And as you would see by the "- sign" also the bounds property is set to a non-default setting (if you don't see that "- sign" go to Settings/ Options and Mark the "Add - Sign...). to make it fit on screen (press F2 to see the bounds)

The link below is a more then 5 year old lesson on dissecting a show you may benefit from.

komies, 4 years ago

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