NextPreviousHomeBlufftitler and Blender / Model layer

taucher1945 | 15 years ago | 5 comments | 3.6K views

These two are potentially excellent companions in in constructing shapes and textures. Durin learning a little bit about Blender and exporting x- files which can be imported to Blufftitler, very often I was frustrated by an error message: "blufftitler cannot open image xyz..." (i.e. the texture), so only the shape was visible.
Now I found out the reason: in Blender 2.49b the export modul sometimes shortens the filename of the texture file!
When You edit this name in approx. the middle of the x- file, everything is o.k.
Have fun!

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you can test with cinema 4D
this can change the color of your choice
each part of the object

maitegras, 15 years ago


I've been trying this as well but can you help me with this. When I make an object on Blender and give it a material / texture - when I export in .x the material / texture does not appear in Blufftitler?

JackWhite, 15 years ago

"when I export in .x the material / texture does not appear in Blufftitler?"
Is there an error message like posted above? Then check the file path and the text in the x- file, whether Blender "forgot" one or several letters in the file description for the texture.

"you can test with cinema 4D"
Seems pricey, isnt it?


taucher1945, 15 years ago

greetings again
if true, is somewhat expensive cinema 4d
You can also use (AccuTrans 3D) is a bit cheaper
this link that I put him down there a good tutorial how to use it
the page is in Russian and my friend made IRINA BRAGINA to this tutorial
You can use google translator to see in English

maitegras, 15 years ago

@maitegras: I do not want to test my x-files generated with Blender. I just tried to inform other BT- users which reason a failed model import could have. And this reason may be a faulty x- file concerning the filename of the texture.

taucher1945, 15 years ago

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