NextPreviousHomeCan't you retrieve RSS information from World of Warcraft?

Per | 15 years ago | 8 comments | 2.9K views

The world of warcraft armory (characters equipment) has an RSS feed.
A general rss feed url looks like this:

Where CHARACTERNAME is the name of a player character on a server called REALMNAME

Can Blufftitler work with such RSS feed urls?

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The XML page of the user guide can be found here:

michiel, 15 years ago

Yes, and it was of no help - which is why i asked here.
(it seems to expect feeds without arguments)

Unless this was your roundabout way of saying "No it can't"

Per, 15 years ago

I'd be happy to create a demo show for you when you give me a CHARACTERNAME and a REALMNAME.

michiel, 15 years ago

Why, thank you.
Here is one:

Per, 15 years ago

Try pasting this in the textbox:


You might have to to add .atom to the trusted file types in the SETTINGS > INTERNET OPTIONS dialog.

michiel, 15 years ago

No that worked thank you.

But you can only have one feed pr text box? ie, can't do a linefeed and have another feed on the next line?

Per, 15 years ago

Btw, should I have been able to figure out one needs to add "?feed/entry/" at the end?
I don't think that help page is that helpful.

Per, 15 years ago

Why don't you create a new text layer for the next line?

You can find out the structure of the XML file by pasting the URL in your webbrowser (like IE or Firefox) and examining the source. That is the reason why I needed a CHARACTERNAME and a REALMNAME. Without an example it's impossible to know the structure.

michiel, 15 years ago

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