NextPreviousHomeHow can I tell what is going to be transparent?

Dick | 15 years ago | 4 comments | 2.6K views

I can't seem to produce a movie with transparent background -- it always turns out black. If I had a background with (let's say) some stripes of various colors on a black background and exported as compressed AVI with transparency, what would be transparent? I assume it would be the black, but since all my exports show a black background and no transparency, I am not sure what's wrong.

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I think the problem is due to the codec you use, you have to search an avi encoder with transparency fonctionality.

vincent, 15 years ago

I'm using Huffyuv -- does that have transparency functionality?

Dick, 15 years ago


This gallery article explains how you can check the alpha channel:

michiel, 15 years ago

I never had any luck with compressed videos and transparency. In fact, I never used compressed video options. I always used uncompressed for transparency. If I want some compression without losing quality, I select the numbered frames options with PNG files being loss-less.

JimH, 15 years ago

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