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taucher1945 | 15 years ago | 7 comments | 4.1K views

Hello everybody and a good new year!
I do just my first steps in Blender V. 2.49 and created a little man, exported him as an x-file and imported this in BT.
Any idea why I dont see him?

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In the tool window I see Layer Nr. 5: Model "".
The name of the x- file is different.

taucher1945, 15 years ago

When you e-mail your model to or upload it to this gallery we can take a look at it.

michiel, 15 years ago

Thanks, I will do so (tomorrow)

taucher1945, 15 years ago

I also have this problem with a simple golf ball modelX. Thought that the size is too big for BT to handle. Can I email you to take a look too?

bylaw, 15 years ago

It looks like it's Blender that has problems exporting big models. Smaller ones seem to work fine.

The model that Wolfgang has e-mailed to me refuses to open in any application. Even DirectX's model view utility can't open the file.

michiel, 15 years ago

Now I downloaded a model of a human body in blender format, exported from blewder to *.x and imported as model layer in BT. This worked and the model has 447 kB. Maybe my previous little model was faulty. As I have no webspace I sent it to Michiel and he can decide whether to publish it. My hope for clarifying things is that people with experience in blender will take part of the discussion.

taucher1945, 15 years ago

Wolfgang, the first model you've sent me and that didn't work has:
60.000 vertices (points) and
16.000 faces (triangles)

The last one you've sent me that did work has only:
4.000 vertices and
2.000 faces

That's a huge difference and I'm sure the problem has something to do with that.

You do not need a "webspace" to upload files to this gallery. You can add a ZIP file when you create a new article. But please only upload uncopyrighted material that you have created yourself. I've attached a screenshot of the model you've e-mailed me to this article.

michiel, 15 years ago

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