Ulli | 18 years ago | 11 comments | 2 likes | 7.2K views
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This animation is for all football/soccer fans. It is funnier, when you take your own head.
Thomasco, 18 years ago
How can you change the smiley face to the head of a real person? I tried bringing in a picture layer of the persons head and place it over up the smiley face but the problem is that the smiley face is disproportionate to the body size and by the time I get the face covered the head is way to big. The smiley face appears to be in the same layer as the body and ball and there's no way (as far as I know) to delete just the smiley face from that layer.
MrGruntHunter, 9 years ago
In a paint program, because it is one picture with head and all.
You could try the clip.fx property
or replace the whole picture with a new foorball player!
komies, 9 years ago
clip.fx is an effect
effect tou add by pressing f9
Clip.fx can be found in the special folder
once this effect is on the picture layer you can change the sliders to move and rotate what must be clipped. It's not the easiest efffect.
replacing the picture is easier
and modifying the picture in a paint program is second easiest.
have fun trying.
komies, 9 years ago
OK, finally found it and got it working but like you mentioned, not the easiest effect to work. Having a hard time getting it to rotate around to just clip off the head. All I have is Corel Paint Shop Pro 9. Never tried to use it for anything other than doctoring photographs though. I'll see if I can load it into that.
Thanks for the help.
MrGruntHunter, 9 years ago
you're so close now
set the clip plane rotation to 90,90,0 makes it horizontal
then set clip plane postion the second slider to a value that will remove the head. the second slider is the y axis.
komies, 9 years ago
OK, I'll try that. I just loaded into my Corel software and erased the head but when I brought it back into BluffTitler it came in as a double image non-animated. Even when I loaded it into Corel it came in as a double image, one with the ball on the ground and the other with the ball in the air. Don't know how I lost the animation. Probably going to be tough clipping all of the face off without getting into the shoulders but I may get enough off so that I can cover anything remaining with the 'real' head. :-)
MrGruntHunter, 9 years ago
set filmstrip number of frames to 2
set fimstrip frames per second to 2
now it is animated
komies, 9 years ago
I give up for tonight LOL
Now I can't get the 'new head' to move with the body. I tried creating a container and putting the both the body and head layers in it but that didn't work either. I think maybe I need to go back into Corel and add the head there and then bring it back into BluffTitler.
MrGruntHunter, 9 years ago