Franco Aversa | 5 years ago | 7 comments | 895 views
I don't remember if in Bixelangelo there is a command to join two lines that are separated and create a closed shape? Is there a command that links two points?
Franco choose edit sketch and move the end point of a line to the beginning of the second line. They merge. You can create a loop by Joining the end of the joined lines with the beginning of the figure. No special command. Just dragging with the mouse.
Filip, 5 years ago
Thanks Filip.
But if the lines are two (for example) they cannot be joined to form a closed figure.
I thought there was a shortcut, but maybe I don't remember well
Franco Aversa, 5 years ago
yes but you can only drag [point] into [circle] and it generates bezier curves resulting in changes to the starting design (fig1 -> fig4)
vincent, 5 years ago
Lines can only be connected by drag and drop if the directions match. An end point an only be dropped on a start point.
Unlike standard vector editing tools, the direction is important in Bixelangelo because it is used to design roller coasters.
michiel, 5 years ago
I'm a videomaker since 1986, now I work at my company.
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