Jeep35 | 6 years ago | 6 comments | 1.1K views
My images are numbered 65.png, 66.png, 67.png, ... but the option to add successive letters doesn't work at all I must add them one after one !!! Where is my mistake ?
I think you have to use the alphabet order. A,B, C, D,...........................
Filip, 6 years ago
I checked the help file (
How do I turn my pictures into a colour font?
When you save your letters as transparent PNG files, you can import them into Alphabix by choosing EDIT > Add/Change Picture... (or by pressing )
When you have used a non-digital drawing technique like paper and pencil you will have to scan or photograph every glyph.
Alphabix can automatically load successive pictures when you name your files like this: A.png, B.png, C.png,...
Filip, 6 years ago
Ok it works if we name files as A.png, B.png, ... but we cannot use this naming with a.png, b.png because Windows considers it's a duplicate of the uppercase name. We cannot use this naming with special caracters.
Then Michiel, it should be useful if we could name the characters with the Unicode numbering such as 65.png, 169.png, ... for the succession to be taken in account.
Jeep35, 6 years ago
Ok thank you Michiel, it works fine. The small problem is that the rendering stop as soon as a numbering is not present. For exemple : I have 128.png, 129.png, 131.png, the rendering stops after 129.png I must restart at 131.png.
Jeep35, 6 years ago
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