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tayla | 6 years ago | 5 comments | 1.4K views

Hi everyone, hope you are all keeping well.

Usually if I need to make an image layout I've always made it in BT because of it's ease of use and flexibility, I always make it in 1920x1080 and export it in the png high quality setting and everything has been just fine for what was needed. Now an opportunity has come along where these settings are not good enough.

I've been asked to make the images to a quality where they can be blown up to be printed off to a height and width of 2m x 5m (two metres by five metres) is there any settings in Bluff that will get up to that quality or will I need to start using PhotoShop vector images?

Thanks for any advice you can give me guys.


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The export resolution can be set in the FILE > SET SHOW RESOLUTION... dialog.

Print quality is normally expressed in DPI (dots per inch).

300 DPI is required for a brochure, but for a billboard, 20 DPI is good enough:

This means that you need a resolution of about 1600 x 4000 pixels:

The maximum export resolution depends on your graphics card. For most cards this is about 16000 pixels which means that you can produce more than 20 DPI if you want:

michiel, 6 years ago

Thank you Michiel, much appreciated.

tayla, 6 years ago

I have made some graphics that one of my clients has printed on canvas paintings.
They are 1.5 meters x 50 centimeters. When I saw them I was amazed!
If Michiel tell me, I can publish an image ....

Franco Aversa, 6 years ago

Hi Franco, not quite sure what you mean, sorry. The images I need I've just moved upto 5000w x 2000h and are to be printed onto pvc.

So far what I've tested they look really good. Lets hope the print works are happy with the quality.

tayla, 6 years ago

Beautiful on PVC ... the size you did is really big !!

Franco Aversa, 6 years ago

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