Hand layer

The hands in the above screenshot are rendered with the hand layer.

What can I do with the hand layer?

With the hand layer you can render a virtual hand.

How do I add a hand layer?

Choose LAYER > Add layer > Add hand layer... to add a new hand layer.

The new hand layer can be selected from the layers dropdown to make it the active layer.

Hand layer style 1

Left hand

Renders a left hand.

Right hand

Renders a right hand.

Hand layer style 2

3 Fingers

Renders 3 fingers.

4 Fingers

Renders 4 fingers.

5 Fingers

Renders 5 fingers.

Hand layer style 3


Renders the hand in a round cartoon style.


Renders the hand in a low poly blocky style.

Hand layer properties


The position of the hand.

1st slider: horizontal (x) position

2nd slider: vertical (y) position

3rd slider: depth (z) position

Press <F2> to render the coordinate system.


The rotation of the hand.

1st slider: heading

2nd slider: pitch

3rd slider: roll

Press <F2> to render the coordinate system.


The size of the hand.


The skin colour of the hand

1st slider: red

2nd slider: green

3rd slider: blue

When you press <F3> and the mouse is inside the tool window, the standard Windows colour dialog is presented. When the mouse is outside the tool window, the colour of the current mouse position is copied: it's a colour picker!

Specular colour

The colour used for specular highlights.

1st slider: red

2nd slider: green

3rd slider: blue

When you press <F3> and the mouse is inside the tool window, the standard Windows colour dialog is presented. When the mouse is outside the tool window, the colour of the current mouse position is copied: it's a colour picker!

When this property is (0, 0, 0), the specular light colour is used.


The size of the specular highlights.

Set the specular colour with the Specular colour property.


The transparency of the hand

0 means fully opaque

1 means fully transparent (invisible)


The rotation of the thumb.

Index finger

The rotation of the index finger.

Middle finger

The rotation of the middle finger.

Ring finger

The rotation of the ring finger.


The rotation of the pinky.


The thickness of the fingers.


The length of the fingers.