NextPreviousHomeHow to make all layers invisible at the same time

MrGruntHunter | 7 years ago | 9 comments | 2 likes | 1.5K views

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Is there a way to be able to select ALL layers and make them invisible at the same time? My reasoning for being able to do this is to be able to see how a show has been built from the beginning one layer at a time by starting at the beginning and making each layer visible one layer at a time.

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komies, yes that works but just when you are holding those keys down. I'm looking for a way to select ALL layers and uncheck the visible box. What I'm looking for is a way to make all layers not visible so I can then make each layer visible one at a time so I can take my time to study what each layer is doing. ... layer 1 then 2 then 3 etc.

MrGruntHunter, 7 years ago

To make each layer visible one at a time, use the cursor up/down keys:
-select the layers dropdown
-press and keep holding down the CONTROL key
-press and keep holding down the SHIFT key
-use the cursor up/down keys to step through the layers

michiel, 7 years ago

Thanks Michiel. I didn't realize you can use the arrow keys to go through the layers. It appears what I want to do can't be done. As long as the show isn't to overly complicated I can just manually make each layer invisible then go back and start at the beginning. It helps that way so I don't have to keep holding the keys and I can poke around to look at ALL of the properties that have been adjusted for each layer.

MrGruntHunter, 7 years ago

The links I provided are the number a times you where told about the CTRL+SHIFT in combination with the cursors up and down, the first one being 3 years ago and the last 5 weeks ago.

Ones you have found an interesting layer you only need to focus on the layers that have been changed, go to menu/Settings/Options and under General mark the "Add - sign to non_default settings".

Layers with a + Sign shown behind them are animated with keys and the properties of this layer have the + sign behind them when this property is animated between keys.

The same with - Sign behind the layers and properties only these are not animated just set to a different value then the default ones.

Also press F9 to see which effect and texture is used for this layer.

And you know about the CTRL + F1 that shows the whole show-info.

We have talked about repeated questions and how to minimize them, so maybe it is time to write them down because this is basic and elementary stuff and that why I made my first lesson about this almost 4 years ago (see link)

komies, 7 years ago

komies, I appreciate your advanced knowledge about BT and your intimate familiarity with all of my postings but with all due respect you completely missed the context of my original question, which none of your solutions appeared to solve. Perhaps you should take the time to understand what the real question was before chastising someone for not being at your level of expertise. I do know about all of those short cuts and I do have all of them printed out and handy. Those were not what I was asking about. Thanks for all of your help anyway.

MrGruntHunter, 7 years ago

Okay, lets examen your original question.

Is there a way to be able to select ALL layers and make them invisible at the same time?

The Short answer is no.
The Long and partial answer to why not is under here.

- So it's a question about convenience, because you could do it manually.
- "All layers" include the camera layer(s) so you would then have to make that one visible again else there is nothing to see, then which camera layer because a show can have several and doesn't have to be the first one that lets you see the show.
- "All layers" include Cubemap and Colourmap layers that other layers use as texture and that information is lost while watching one layer that's visible without these gives a wrong picture.
- "All layers" include Container layers which can contain several other layers, looking at a container layer says nothing about the layers within this container, and looking just at a layer in these container you miss the container information like position, rotation, size, pivot point and transparency.
- "All layers" include all other layers that depend or can be attach to another layer like the sketch layer.

So I can tell you why not in detail but takes someone to explain this much time and the result is that it would not help you further.

So the answer is something that would help you further in less time.

I'm not chastising, well not intended and if you perceived it this way then I apologize.

I used in the search option: "MrGruntHunter CTRL SHIFT" and these popped up so you don't have a stalker. ?

"I didn't realize you can use the arrow keys to go through the layers"
"I do know about all of those short cuts and I do have all of them printed out and handy."

Then here we have in those two sentences, what I have been trying to lay my finger on "what needs to be done", "when is that information lost", "how to make that information better available"

It is in this quest to find answers and truths, and why I besides helping people also ask questions but is never to belittle people and or to make myself look better.

So don't be hesitant to ask questions, me and others will answer to help you further. But also remember the power of the search option and filter on questions and downloads to see if some else already asked or someone made a show that explains what you are looking for.

komies, 7 years ago

komies, PEACE, Yes the short answer was just no. In reality I didn't mean 'ALL' layers at once, just a group I selected. I was visualizing being able to click on a layer (probably # 2 or 3), hold down the shift key and click on the last layer to select all layers in between (much like a typical windows technique) and then click on the 'visible' check box to perform that operation on all of the selected layers at once. You are correct in that after thousands of postings things do get lost and the answers could be there but could also be in little tid bits spread out over multiple postings. I really think it would be more beneficial to new users (myself included) if a solution/response/clarification to a specific topic could be written so as to be able to have it cut and pasted into the user manual under that topic as an update and build on it from there. Perhaps there should be a way to submit enhancements to the user manual for review.

MrGruntHunter, 7 years ago

I concur, in 15 years there are 6500+ articles and agree that even with search and filters can be time consuming.

But a user manual of 500 pages is also not prevert.

I still believe in a 2 page quick guide with things every user should know.

And a FAQ topic related, no need to explain what no one is asking.

The search option is powerful, especially when using the correct terms in postings and in search options.

The installer shows are a great source of knowledge and this in combination with the dissectings tools like CTRL + SHIFT and basic "2 page" understanding of Blufftitler can really help.

But the greatest teacher is practice, try to remake installer shows just by looking at them and when you are stuck analize that show to get unstuck and continue untill you finished or get stuck again.

Michiel calls his users "artists" because even when you know what materials and technics are used for a painting like the NIGHT WATCH it would be hard to replicate it exactly as REMBRANDT did.

You see in the community different people with different styles and approaches to get out of Blufftitler what they need. So there is no one right way of doing things, with all these possibilities it can be daunting but also the POWER of Blufftitler.

Just start simple and limit your self to certain effects till you really understand them. If you look at Bixpacks then you will see that often the same effects are used and usually not more then 20 from the 300+ you can choose out.

Good luck and have fun,

komies, 7 years ago

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