Filip | 7 years ago | 9 comments | 1.8K views
Michiel I want to use the water layer in comination with a beach in the foreground, sea and sky in the background.
I don't get the water layer in the right position. I think it's because you can't rotate the water layer.
Also I can't get the layer rolling in from the side as I did in :
Do you have al solution?
The interaction between the sea and the beach is complex. There are all kinds of effects like branding (what is the English word? surf?), breaking of the waves and tides that are difficult to simulate. It's something the current water layer can't do.
michiel, 7 years ago
Dear Filip,
1. If a layer (water) does not do something (turn), than adjust the rest of the layers that can.
2. The water layer is flat and usually huge size layer to fill the screen to the horizon so the direction is level, but the waves can move in any 2d level direction.
That all being said, there is a TRICK that will give you more options:
Place the Water layer out of frame. Like on -2000 third slider.
Add a new Picture Layer and set style to flat if you also want to go under the surface.
Give this new Picture the effect (F9) Special\Water.cfx
The rest is up to you, have fun playing with the settings.
komies, 7 years ago
Very well explained, now I learned more about the secret of Blufftitler, Thanks Michiel and komies.
Jesus, 7 years ago
Thank You Komies,
I don't know this trick.
If you turn visible-invisible the water layer
the picture stops but keeps the fold, or setting wave speed to 0.
Franco Aversa, 7 years ago
Thanks to Komies I created a 3d water mass.
it's also possible create a 3d sphere of water.
Franco Aversa, 7 years ago
Yes Komies,
sometimes my memory is not so good,
I do many things and then I do not use them anymore.
Franco Aversa, 7 years ago