kugo | 7 years ago | 3 comments | 3 likes | 2.4K views
ID Production, misterbrains and Realtime like this!
NDI technology it is the future of connecting video sources over a local IP network. newtek.com...
Open source free to developers to integrate into their software. Software Developer Kit newtek.com...
I am not trying to promote a 3rd party product. I have no affiliation with this. I'm just trying to share ideas to make the already awesome Blufftitler ever more awesome.
Adding support for live NDI input sources and outputting Blufftitler as an NDI source on the network, feeding switchers etc. that also support NDI.... It would be a great addition to Blufftitler. This technology will make SDI sources nearly obsolete one day.
Many video switcher and graphic titling developers are now supporting NDI sources in their software.
I can imagine Blufftitler used as a full 1080p/4K live video switcher/keyer with 3d stinger transitions, virtual studios, etc.
More inspirations and wishes for the future.... Long live Blufftitler!!
NDI is growing and this would open up the live streaming world to Bluff. It was great when Bluff supported SDI output, now that NDI supports Alpha this is even better. vMix, Tricaster, Ross, NewBlue Titler, Adobe, JVC and many others now have NDI. NDI inputs would open up using Bluff as a multi channel DVE upstream of mixing software that usually have very predictable effects, unlike Bluff.
NDI is also a way to simply distribute a source over a network. vMix now supports controlling NewBlue Titler Live 3.0 via NDI. Control of Bluff would also be a possibility.
Here's one for only $2495, I'd be fine with paying for the NDI Bluff option.
Realtime, 7 years ago
Yes NDI is here to stay. I can only imagine the possibilities to make use of it in Blufftitler. There's so much it can do yet lacks just a few more features to make it the most powerful price/performance realtime graphics engine ever developed for live broadcasters. I personally believe Blufftitler and it's developer/s deserve a huge award.
Respectively speaking, it's a little disappointing that such an awesome package has the lack of basic support for the broadcast market. e.g. no SDI w/alpha, no play/pause keyboard shortcut or shell command, no pause/hold markers or GPI trigger. Which I would also pay extra for these sort of basic options in Blufftitler. and of course NDI.
Ironically I was recently deciding between newbluefx and characterworks for an upcoming project. Though neither have the true 3d and algorithm effects that Blufftitler has. I believe it's been decided Blufftitler will continue to cater to another market. Perhaps pre-rendered content? But who knows maybe the ideas for new graphics features will run out one day and the package will finally get some attention in these other areas. I think the graphics features are great enough already to make that shift. I wonder what Bix thinks?
kugo, 7 years ago
In 2010 Version 8 of BluffTitler DX9 iTV - The iTV (interactive television) version is identical to the PRO version, except it features SDI output. This allows you to connect BluffTitler to professional TV studio equipment by Premultiplied alpha channel in SDI output and video export.
It is unclear from the history when it was discontinued or why.
komies, 7 years ago