NextPreviousHomeHow to make the light moves in a ring?

ralencar | 7 years ago | 3 comments | 1 like | 1.3K views

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I need to create a laser cable that goes lightning,
from one starting point till it is completely lightened.

It must be a circle (ring).
Does anyone know how to build this?


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Can you give an example:

Do you mean something like in this link:

A growing circle is easily made with the sketch layer/ circle.eps with the writer property you can make it start at 0 and full closed with 1.

komies, 7 years ago

If the circle does not have to grow, you can use a text layer with the letter O ?

The O of the Montserrat font is a perfect circle:

michiel, 7 years ago

As komies already told
1. Open a sketch layer Circle.eps (you can create one with Bixelangelo)
2. Set the Writer property start at 0 and at the end to 1
3 Attach a particle layer to the sketch layer choose flare1.jpg
4. Particle properties: Set launch speed to 0 and gravity all sliders to 0 and lifetime to 2
5. Set the effect for the sketch layer to Invisible.cfx

You can play with other particles as wel and other settings.
Enjoy the show.

Filip, 7 years ago

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