tayla | 7 years ago | 3 comments | 1.3K views
I may have missed it (probably) or not yet available, I'm looking for an effect or plugin that can be applied to an object or text when chosen with it's own colour strengths glow effect etc instead of having to individually build the effect up in each instance, is this possible guys or have i just missed it.
If it's not already there I think it would be awesome to have.
Thanks for any help everyone.
I found these with the search option: Neon and with Glow
But basically it is a Text layer with Tubular round Style and a Glow (White) border (Light discs Style)
komies, 7 years ago
Thanks Komies, much appreciated. Would be great and more convenient if a plugin/effect could be made to accommodate the suggestion though.
tayla, 7 years ago
You can make your own "plugin/effect" with the menu preset load and save.
I can make this wonderful Neon Glow plugin for anyone for the price of .......
Or you make it as you want for free in 1 minute.
komies, 7 years ago