Sma | 7 years ago | 13 comments | 2.3K views
Can I do the Triangle automatically now or in the future?
As we have circles, waves, spirals, rolls, polygon would be great with a number of sides property of course.
vincent, 7 years ago
(Vincent)Thanks for help, but I do not want to shape a triangle drawing. I want to format a text triangle can I?
Sma, 7 years ago
Here's how to do it:
1) draw a triangle in Bixelangelo and save as triangle.eps
2) render this triangle in BluffTitler with the sketch layer (LAYER > Add layer > Add sketch layer...)
3) attach a text layer by choosing LAYER > Attach layer > Attach text to active layer
You can make the text walk the triangle by animating the WRITER prop of the sketch layer.
And you can make the sketch layer invisible by setting its PEN SIZE prop to (0,0).
michiel, 7 years ago
Realize that making a text walk a triangle is conceptually the same as making a train ride a roller coaster.
Both are layers attached to a sketch layer.
michiel, 7 years ago
Reminds me of Helmut Smits' work.
Take a look at the "Driving a circle, walking a triangle, cycling a square, flying a line" drawing on this page:
michiel, 7 years ago
My bro see in the text field (------------) find 12 comma parts of the triangle, see that the triangle consists of 12 slices (I want the triangle to be a text itself that is composed ofthe text) Consider it as a suggestion....
Sma, 7 years ago
?Rectangle, square, triangle ... etc. Is it impossible or possible work or very difficult or other
Sma, 7 years ago
It's possible and simple.
All you have to do is to draw the shape you want in Bixelangelo: from simple 2D triangles to complex 3D roller coasters.
As I showed in the above screenshots, the shape can be rendered by a sketch layer and a text layer can be attached to it.
michiel, 7 years ago
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