MrGruntHunter | 7 years ago | 1 comment | 1 like | 1.3K views
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When a new update to BluffTitler is available for downloading the first thing that happens is the current version of BT is uninstalled and then the new version is installed. My question is: what all gets uninstalled? Are all the presets deleted and then reinstalled? My concern is that if I create new presets and place them with BT's presets, will they get deleted during an upgrade?
You do not have to worry about this because the uninstaller only uninstalls the files that were installed by the previous installer.
michiel, 7 years ago
Dell PC WINDOWS 10 PRO, 64-bit, Ver:1607, OS BLD: 14393.1066
INTEL Core: i7-4790, CPU @3.60 GHz, Instld RAM:16.0 GB
GeForce GTX 745, Driver ver: 376.53, Tot avail grap: 12225 MB, Ded vid mem: 4096 MB DDR3
Shared Sys Mem: 8159 MB, DirectX Runtime Ver:12.0
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