NextPreviousHomeAdding smoke to a show.

MrGruntHunter | 7 years ago | 4 comments | 1.5K views

I have a friend who is about to make a cross country trip with an RV he just bought. I found this photo of an antique RV and placed his photo in it. Now I was to make a little show with black smoke coming out of the back and eventually filling the entire screen to completely black over a 10 sec time period. I add the 'smoke' particle layer but can't seem to control the particles to start from the rear of the RV and then filling up the entire photo. Is the particle layer what I should be using? Not sure how to upload the *.bt file, just the little preview picture :-( . Well .... now I can't even do that. I keep getting a failed error message
UPDATE: OK, I had to create an *avi file and upload it to YouTube. I had wanted to upload the *.bt file so you could see what I was trying to do but you should get the idea.
FINAL UPDATE: I tried and tried for one whole day and finally gave up. I just can't seem to be able to create the shows like everyone here does. I tried using Photoshop Elements 14 to cut out the vehicle and also paste the faces in the windows and then used the Clone tool to fill in behind the vehicle. I don't know why but in the final product I ended up with not a clean cut out at all. I felt I kind of have to use the same scene because of having to match the pavement under the vehicle. As far as the smoke goes, well I duplicated every parameter from the BT demo smoke show but for the life of me I couldn't get it to be a stream of smoke coming out of the tailpipe area. It just shows up everywhere. I even put the vehicle and smoke layers in a container to they would travel together but no luck. I did find some sound effects and rendered everything in VEGAS Pro 14 (that's where I was able to add the sound effects) and posted it on my friends Facebook page. This has to be about as crude as a show can get. This old man went into retirement quite a few years ago and now I think my brain cells have maybe passed me by LOL. If anything, I guess I can be used as a bad example. :-) All I can say is that I tried.

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Take a look at this show:

The direction you can change with the gravity options.
You can cutout the whole or part of the car so you can place this cutout on top of the particle layer so you get depth.
For filling the screen I would use a second particle layer attached to a long rectangle eps just out off the screen at the bottom and use gravity option to let it rise and use emision set to 0 until you want to start showing and animated it to a high number like 10000.

Good luck, ?☁

komies, 7 years ago

Thanks komies. I had remembered seeing that show before and just happened to find it about 20 min ago. I'm working in PhotoShop Elements 14 right now with the photo. Trying to delete the vehicle and fill in the background to see if I can use that as a background layer and then cut out the vehicle and use that in a second layer. Going to see if I can have the vehicle move out of the show and leave nothing but black smoke behind. That's my goal anyway LOL. I don't know how to create shows like you guys do :-( so I'm sure this is going to be looking real crude by the time I get done with it Ha Ha

MrGruntHunter, 7 years ago

Ones you cutout the vehicle, why not use a different background?

komies, 7 years ago

Geeesh ... you're right komies .... had a brain fart and didn't think of that. "Couldn't see the forest because of the trees" kinda thing LOL.

MrGruntHunter, 7 years ago

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