LostBoyz | 8 years ago | 6 comments | 4 likes | 2.7K views
Ulli, vincent, komies and 1 other like this!
Hi Michiel!
When can we expect the new Cracks effect? :)
Thank you!
Thanks Lostboyz and Dani for this great feature request.
This would be a nice feature as dissolve and reassemble effect.
The cracks effect is still in V11 effects and is very limited in its pattern so every time you use it looks like it came out of Bixpack 8. Don't get me wrong, when Bixpack 8 was released it was the bomb.
With the particle dissolve clip effect from Version 11.1 in combination with the floor level damping settings you got a great looking effect but still limited in terms of particle shapes.
For a new cracks effect it would be great to have more random shapes as debris like in the above mentioned videos.
komies, 8 years ago
While you are contemplating about this.
Would it be possible to use a picture (texture) with transparent "cracks" as pattern (Voronoi) so we could generate, borrow or draw your own pattern.
Or as displacementmap (black and white) to set the pattern.
komies, 8 years ago
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