Filip | 8 years ago | 6 comments | 1.5K views
Is it possible to make text cubes. With special effect would be great.I have tried to get an exemple
Maybe this show that comes with the installer can get you started:
michiel, 8 years ago
Thats not what I meant. I want to have a cube for every character.
A text/ character effect so to say.
I tried to use the export as cube possibility in Alphabix and use this in Blufftitler but this export is used for a paper cube. Maybe is it possible to use this picture with a fold effect?
Filip, 8 years ago
I would use a paint app like Photoshop to create a horizontal strip containing the 6 faces and use the picture layer in cube mode (1st dropdown below the textbox) to render it.
michiel, 8 years ago
Thnx Michiel this works for me.
Filip, 8 years ago
Filip, is this what you are looking for?
It's just a textblock , no effects or anything.
Tjeb, 8 years ago