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PAT67 | 8 years ago | 6 comments | 9 likes | 2.7K views

LostBoyz, komies, vincent and 6 others like this!


Suite à une suggestion de Vincent , j'ai synchronisé les mouvements des pistons
de la trompette qu'il a bien voulu partager sur ce forum.

Merci Vincent grâce à qui j'ai découvert les calques eps.

Following a suggestion from Vincent, I synchronized the movements of the pistons
Of the trumpet which he was kind enough to share on this forum.

Thank you Vincent thanks to whom I discovered eps layers.

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Good job, PAT67

Vincent has taught me the most of my knowledge about the EPs layer also, by watching his shows and downloads he posted an his willingness to help and by answering questions.

komies, 8 years ago

Muy bien Pat67, un trabajo estupendo
Sobre vicente estoy de acuerdo con todo lo que dicen Pat67 y Komies, sin ninguna duda, está pàra enseñar y ayudar a todos y muchas cosas mas que yo he tenido la suerte de recibir.

persiana, 8 years ago

Super boulot PAT, je suis content que vous ayez utilisé cette bonne vieille trompette.

vincent, 8 years ago

Great, this is what VJ is for!

Filip, 8 years ago

It looks so great!
I must try it also. :-)

Ulli, 8 years ago

Merci pour vos commentaires

PAT67, 8 years ago

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