MrGruntHunter | 8 years ago | 12 comments | 1.5K views
I'm trying to modify a basic bt show that came with BT and is located in my BluffTitler/Media/Shows/Text/INTRO6.BT
I am replacing the text 'BLUFFTITLER' with the text 'SHARE' to use as part of my basic OUTRO. In the end I would like the individual letters SHARE to fly off in different directions. The BLUFFTITLER text letters fly in at the beginning and assemble into the final text so basically I want to reverse it as an ending. I can't seem to figure out what, and where, the control is that manipulates the text in the beginning. I apologize for still being a newbie but I'm still having a difficult time trying to utilize all of the options available in BT. I'm sure I must be overlooking something quite basic. Do I need to place each text character on a separate layer to do this? Can anyone point me in the right direction? Sorry guys :-( Please don't beat me up to awfully bad.
That's what I'm afraid of ..... help me out the door :-) LOL I've tried pasting in a screen shot but can't seem to make that happen either and I even resized them down to 1024x920
MrGruntHunter, 8 years ago
Hi Michiel, Thanks for the reply.
I briefly tried that but it just seemed to spin the characters in place or do I need to combine another control with it? I don't understand how to make the characters fly apart. I initially thought I would have to place each character on a different layer but that I watched your intro and see that all of the BLUFFTITLER text is on the same layer.
MrGruntHunter, 8 years ago
The 1st slider of the JUMBLE property controls the position offset. If the maximum value the slider offers is not enough, use the textbox to the right to enter a higher value. As you can see in the screenshot I used a value of 20.
michiel, 8 years ago
Jumble is a way to go, there are others.
The problem lies in this show with the flexibility setting on this text:
1. Set the duration of the show to 8 second and select add to end
2. goto the camera layer and move the last two keys with the same time distance to the end. (this is the fade to white)
3. go to layer 7 Text and change it, on the timeline goto 6 second and place a key (press record) then type in time field 6:01 and press record again. goto the property settings flexibility and turn the all keys off and then press reset. (changing the flexibility setting during a show is not recommended but it works.)
4. go to the end of the show and select jumble and type in the numbers like in the picture from Michiel
5. go to position and select text position and use the 3rd slider to move the text out of frame.
This is the fastest way for this show, because of the flexibility setting that is uses for the beginning of the show.
You see 3 people are trying to help you and no-one is getting a beating. :-)
For a screenshot use the snipping tool, click windows start type snip and select.
Good luck,
komies, 8 years ago
Thanks guys, I don't know why I didn't think about copying and pasting the keyframes. Had a brain fart I guess :-( That was by for the easiest. That said I'll go back and try what komies suggested if anything just to see how that works. Sayyyyyy komies ................... you're correct ... I just checked and I don't see any bruises showing up anywhere ;-)
One more question. If I wanted the letters to go off in different directions would I still use this method or would that then require individual text layers?
MrGruntHunter, 8 years ago
Individual would be my preferred one, and SHARE is only 5 letters, it gives you more control.
But Jumble is faster and easier after typing a large number like 20 in the 1st slider. move the third slider with your mouse and see and hold when you like it. With the 2nd slider you can make them spin on there axis.
Have fun, and don't hesitate to ask.
komies, 8 years ago
KOMIES, I just tried your method and I got the results I was looking for. I did away with it going to white in the camera setting and changed the jumble for the text to 200. Now I can add this to the other OUTRO clips for 'Liking', 'Commenting' and 'Subscribing'. I'll pull laa of them into SONY VEGAS to make a single MP4 file to add to the end of all of my YouTube videos.
MANY THANKS again everyone.
MrGruntHunter, 8 years ago
Not as smooth as all the shows everyone here has been producing and definitely not very original. I have to give all the credit to Michiel for providing the wonderful template as a demo with BluffTitler. Thank you Michiel and komies and Selina for your assistance. All I was able to do was change the text and their colors and maybe tweak a few movements. The audio came for the YouTube audio library with the intent of making it a little light hearted :-)
MrGruntHunter, 8 years ago
Great job, MrGruntHunter
Templates are not only to learn from, it can inspire you, or use the concept or use just a part of that show and make it your own.
You're welcome, and all you had to do was ask.
komies, 8 years ago
Great to see how you've proved that the installer comes with some very useful templates :)
Thank you!
michiel, 8 years ago
Indeed it does Michiel! I have been able to use quite a few and have been very grateful for being able to use them. Every time you release a new update the first thing I do is let the DEMO command run just to see what new ones show up :-) For the most part I've been able to change the text, text colors, textures and adjust some of the movements, etc. but creating and importing the graphic images everyone is doing still eludes me. :-( I've purchased 4 of your BIXpacks so far and am anxiously waiting to see what new ones you will be releasing.
MrGruntHunter, 8 years ago
Dell PC WINDOWS 10 PRO, 64-bit, Ver:1607, OS BLD: 14393.1066
INTEL Core: i7-4790, CPU @3.60 GHz, Instld RAM:16.0 GB
GeForce GTX 745, Driver ver: 376.53, Tot avail grap: 12225 MB, Ded vid mem: 4096 MB DDR3
Shared Sys Mem: 8159 MB, DirectX Runtime Ver:12.0
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