NextPreviousHomeOverhauser Spline

Tom K | 15 years ago | 4 comments | 2.9K views

Still working on my first title with BT.

If I use an Overhauser Spline to bring the text onto the screen in a smooth manner, how do I then hold the text so that the spline interpolation ends at that point?

Maybe a future enhancement is for the speed to apply to each keyframe rather than to the entire layer or is that possible now?


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Adding some extra keys might help.

What do you mean with "the speed to apply to each keyframe"?

Here's a picture that shows the difference between the Bezier and the Oberhauser spline:

michiel, 15 years ago

Thanks, Michiel. That picture is helpful.

re: keyframe speeds..... I have an object that enters the screen smoothly using a spline. For the final movement, I'd like the object to "accelerate" off the screen and no longer use the spline, i.e., different speed for the last keyframe. I can fake it with two different layers of the same object with different speeds for each layer, but it's cumbersome.

Just wondered if there was an easier way.



Tom K, 15 years ago

Don't thing the current version supports changing speeds and plots along the way for a single layer.

Per, 15 years ago

Changing the speed is something else than changing the physics (tweening) effect (as set by the dropdown below the CHANGE FONT button)

It's true that in the current version you can't change the physics effect during the show, but that does not mean that you can't change the speed. By placing keys closer to each other with bigger position differences you can easily accellerate your texts.

michiel, 15 years ago

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