tayla | 8 years ago | 4 comments | 1.4K views
Hi, this is the effect we talked about a couple of weeks ago that I wanted to achieve, still doesn't feel right if you understand what i mean.
Again, thanks for the help.
Here's the link if I embedded wrongly vimeo.com...
not quite,
What seems to be the problem,
Some tips:
1: use less particles so you can use another particle layer with slightly altered settings.
set min/max particles to e.g. 0/200
2: set rotation speed to like 0,0,25 to make it more dynamic
3: set gravity to like 0, -0.2, 0 to make the snow crystals slowly fall to the bottom.
Clone this (active) layer when you are content.
1. set effect size to like 1.5
2. alter gravity and rotation speed slightly
and you could clone and alter another layer is needed.
look in the userguide particle layer link and just try and experiment but make sure that you save it first.
komies, 8 years ago
Posting the video:
I believe you have done it right, I tried it also to post your link from vimeo but it doesn't seem to work. Al I can see it that Vimeo is now also HTTPS://
komies, 8 years ago
Vimeo problem is fixed. It now uses HTML5 (instead of Flash) and responds to the window size. Thank you for the report!
michiel, 8 years ago
Thank you for sorting it Michiel.
tayla, 8 years ago