lifechip | 8 years ago | 5 comments | 1.6K views

How do I change the text "Sketch" to a different text, thanks

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You can't, I've already asked the same question sometime back, I'd hoped at the time a base feature might have being implemented as I needed something for a project I was attempting, I did try a work around using the writer function but didn't look as half as good as in Sketch, maybe's if there are enough voices it might just get put into an update.

tayla, 8 years ago


In this dialog you can select an EPS, for example created with Bixelangelo:

It also accepts a transparent PNG. In this case the outline is traced and turned into a sketch.

For more info visit the sketch layer page of the user guide:

michiel, 8 years ago

tayla is right that there's no textbox where you can type a text that is magically turned into a handwritten text.

I think the beauty and charm of handwritten texts is that they are always unique. For this reason I don't believe in an automated handwriting system.

Handwritten texts for use in the sketch layer can be recorded with Bixelangeo:

michiel, 8 years ago

You can use Wacom tablet with pen to draw (replace the mouse), with practice i think you can obtain great results (search Wacom in Google)

vincent, 8 years ago

Thanks everyone for your help, have a nice Christmas

lifechip, 8 years ago

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