LostBoyz | 8 years ago | 7 comments | 5 likes | 2.3K views
PAT67, Dani, Ulli and 2 others like this!
Hi Michiel!
Possible snowflakes move to the rhythm such as video? :)
Thank you!
Great effect!
Technically it's easy to do because all it does is connecting the particle speed to the audio volume (with some thresholds). Unfortunately it can't be implemented as an effect because the particles are animated by the CPU. And I worry about adding extra properties to the particle layer because it already has too many props. I'll think of a creative solution!
michiel, 8 years ago
Had a thought recently when trying to do something similar to the wave properties of water. Is there a way to change an existing property of a particle (or anything) by tying it to an audio layer? Sort of like the VJ effects, but with other things... I was playing around trying to make water waves respond to the beat, but doing it manually. Gave up after realizing it was way too labor intensive.
Here is the Jurrassic Park movie trailer I was thinking about.
Hope it helps spur some of your creative juices (not that you need any help, given all you have done!)
amiga, 8 years ago
As far is I can reason you can only do the surface, with the same trick as the snowsound concept and use a colourmap layer as displacement layer.
komies, 8 years ago
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